For the Curious
About Me
What I Do
My Opinions
My Guestbook
For the Future
For the Professors
My CIS 333 Page
My Greek Project

Hello and Welcome

You've finally come home:

The Author: Scott Christian

Why: Because you know me and you're sick of losing at tic-tac-toe.
Why else: Because your Curious, so please look around this site.
Or: Because you might be a Future Employer
But you could also be one of my past Professors: In that case I hope you enjoyed the stellar work that I turned in and posted to my web site.
To All: Tell me what you think & email me.
Oh My God is Right.  
Thats me holding the ladder
for my roommate Toby, while
our friend bill helps us 
clean up after the Labor Day 
Storm of 1998
Here is some information about the site. If you really want to get to know me go to the About Me link, its good reading but very long. If you want to get some quick tidbits go and see What I Do.

FYI this site was last modified on 4/27/2001